About Us

Valley Rural Utility Company was incorporated on August 14, 1995 after an extensive legal battle, with the prior owner, to gain control of YOUR utility.  A tireless, volunteer Board of Directors and other concerned property owners were instrumental in acquiring the company.  Today, a seven-member Board heads Valley Rural Utility Company.  Each member is elected to a three-year term, with a staggering of term expirations to avoid a full turnover at any annual meeting.  The Board is fundamental in planning for the future of the company by monitoring the performance of the company and its staff in order to meet the company goals.  The Board also handles items that are disputed by other property owners and legal items.  Valley Rural Utility Company is a not-for-profit semi-public organization.

Along with providing water and sewer service to all property owners throughout Hidden Valley Lake, Valley Rural Utility Company also provides water and sewer service to property owners on Fairway Drive, Putter Place, and Birdie Lane.

Valley Rural Utility Company is the sewer service provider for all property owners in the Rocky Mountain Estates subdivision, Arbor Ridge, and part of Georgetown Road.


For information regarding the Hidden Valley Lake Property Owner's Association, please visit their website.

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